NTRA Natera, Inc.
Quotes: Barrons • SeekingAlpha • NASDAQ • Bloomberg • WSJ
Natera, Inc. is a diagnostics company. The Company is engaged in the discovery, development and commercialization of genetic testing services. It offers Panorama Non-Invasive Prenatal Test that screens for chromosomal abnormalities of a fetus with a blood draw from the mother; Horizon Carrier Screening to determine carrier status for a large number of severe genetic diseases that could be passed on to the carrier's children; Spectrum Pre-implantation Genetic Screening and Spectrum Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis to analyze chromosomal anomalies or inherited genetic conditions during an in vitro fertilization cycle to select embryos with the probability of becoming healthy children; Anora Products of Conception test to analyze fetal chromosomes to understand the cause of miscarriage, and Non-Invasive Paternity Testing, to determine paternity by analyzing the fragments of fetal deoxyribonucleic acid in a pregnant mother's blood and a blood sample from the alleged father(s).