LIN Linde plc
Quotes: Barrons • SeekingAlpha • NASDAQ • Bloomberg • WSJ
Linde plc is an Irish-domiciled multinational chemical company formed by the merger of Linde AG of Germany (founded in 1879) and Praxair of the United States. It is the world's largest industrial gas company by market share as well as revenue. The Linde Group has over 600 affiliated companies in more than 100 countries, with customers in the industrial, retail, trade, science, research, and public sectors. The Linde Group has two principal business areas: gas (industrial gases and medical gases), and engineering. Linde Gas supplies industrial gases, medical gases, specialty gases, refrigerants and other chemicals. Linde Engineering designs and builds large-scale chemical plants for the production of industrial gases including oxygen, nitrogen, argon, hydrogen and carbon monoxide, as well as large plants associated with the processing of natural gas, LNG, LPG and the manufacture of olefins. In August 2016 it was publicly announced that the German company was in official negotiations to merge with the American competitor Praxair to form the world's largest gas supplier. The merger was completed in October 2018.