Reiterated Market Perform X



$73 $79

DELL  Dell Technologies Inc.

Dell Technologies Inc. is an American multinational corporation in the information technology industry. It is based in Round Rock, Texas. It was formed as a result of the September 2016 merger of Dell and EMC Corporation (which later became Dell EMC). Dell's products include personal computers, servers, smartphones, televisions, computer software, computer security and network security, as well as information security services. Dell operates under 3 divisions: 1) Dell Client Solutions Group (60% of 2016 revenues) – produces desktop PCs, notebooks, tablets, and peripherals, such as monitors, printers, and projectors under the Dell brand name. 2) Dell EMC Infrastructure Solutions Group (35% of 2016 revenues) – storage solutions. 3) VMware (5% of 2016 revenues) – a publicly traded company focused on virtualization and cloud infrastructure. Dell also owns 4 separate businesses: RSA, Pivotal Software, SecureWorks, and Boomi, Inc.