Downgrades Buy Neutral X

HDSN Hudson Technologies

B. Riley Securities

$10 $8.50

Initiated Buy X

HDSN Hudson Technologies

B. Riley Securities


HDSN  Hudson Technologies, Inc.

Hudson Technologies, Inc. is a refrigerant services company. The Company's products and services are primarily used in commercial air conditioning, industrial processing and refrigeration systems, and include refrigerant and industrial gas sales, refrigerant management services consisting primarily of reclamation of refrigerants and RefrigerantSide Services performed at a customer's site, consisting of system decontamination to remove moisture, oils and other contaminants. In addition, the Company's SmartEnergy OPS service is a Web-based real time continuous monitoring service applicable to a facility's refrigeration systems and other energy systems. The Company's Chiller Chemistry and Chill Smart services are also predictive and diagnostic service offerings. The Company sells reclaimed and virgin (new) refrigerants to a variety of customers in various segments of the air conditioning and refrigeration industry, and sells industrial gases to a variety of industry segments.